The Bureau international de l’édition française (French international Book office) is an association founded under the law of 1901, funded by the Ministère de la Culture (Ministry of Culture), the Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs) and through contributions from member publishing companies (approximately 350).
The BIEF provides an essential service to its French book publishing company members by facilitating their international export development,rights sales and acquisitions, and partnership projects.
This is done through three core activities:
- Showcasing French publishing at international book fairs around the world
- Following and reporting on global publishing markets
- Connecting publishing industry players around the world through professional exchanges.
Our activities
- BIEF provides venues to showcase the collective works published by the 280 French publishing company members at several international book fairs through their collective “France” stand,
- organizes for its members thematic meet-ups live and on-line with foreign publishing companies,
- organizes professional exchanges targeted at foreign publishers and booksellers, such as seminars, forums and fellowships,
- generates reports on foreign publishing industries (roughly 10 studies a year: market studies, industry structure charts, specialized directories),
- publishes theme-based catalogues and directories in several languages, which are distributed at book fairs and other publishing events as well as to publishing professionals,
- it helps promote French works to foreign publishers, booksellers and librarians via its platform,
- Through its New York office, The French Publishers’ Agency, the BIEF offers the option of representing world English rights on behalf of its member publishers,
- Together with the SCELF and the Institut français (French Institute), BIEF provides support for the sale of audiovisual rights, through the creation and distribution of catalogues at film festivals around the world.
Board of Directors of BIEF is composed of executives of member publishing houses:
- Antoine Gallimard - President
- Philippe Robinet - Secretary General
- Marianne Durand - Treasurer
- Marion Glénat-Corveler
- Gilles Haéri
- Patrice Margotin
- Vera Michalski-Hoffmann
- Benoît Pollet
- Solène Chabanais - President of the International Commission of the Syndicat national de l’édition (National Publishing Syndicate)
- Sabine Wespieser
Members, Observers:
- President of the Syndicat national de l'édition (National Publishing Syndicat) or its representative
- President of the Centre national du livre (National Book Center) or its representative
- Director of Books and Reading of the Ministère de la Culture (Ministry of Culture) or its representative
- Director of Culture of the Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs) or its representative
Contact us:
115, bd Saint-Germain
75006 Paris
Tel. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 13
Fax +33 (0)1 46 34 63 83
e-mail: info[a]