Date 10 March 2021
Pages 158
Format cm 13 x 20
Price € 16.00
EAN 9791032907788
Publisher Website


Author Rachel Khan
Keywords Cinema
Through a series of "politically correct" words, notions, and expressions, Rachel Khan takes a critical and mischievous look at our ideologized era, which forbids all forms of nuance.

"We are all the sum of various parts," wrote Romain Gary in Hocus Bogus.Rachel Khan knows this only too well. Black, Gambian, Muslim, and Catholic on her father's side, and white, Jewish, and French on her mother's, she is proud to call herself "race-y." But how to live with this profusion of "races" at a time of identity-based withdrawal, when only radicalism matters? How to position oneself with such a "pedigree" when orders are to pick a side?

  • Adaptations Paperback - Audiobook
  • As of: May 2021