Date 13 January 2021
Pages 221
Format cm 14 x 20
Price € 19.00
EAN 9782381340104
Publisher Website

Children of the Claree Valley

Publisher Marchialy
In moving reportage, Raphaël Kraft dives deep into the world of migrants: those who leave their homes behind, and those who give them warm welcome.

In November 2017, Raphaël Krafft set out with a local cruising for migrants who might have lost their way trying to cross the the French-Italian border. They found four minors from West Africa -- three from Guinea, like most young migrants crossing at this mountain pass. While escorting them to a welcome center, they were stopped by police, who left the teenagers next to a border marker. Deeply affected by this experience, Raphaël offered to travel to Guinea on behalf of the local school in order to try to understand why young people decide to leave. Once there, he discovered an impoverished country marked by years of dictatorship.

  • Sales in France 3,800 copies
  • As of: May 2021