Date 30 January 2020
Pages 345
Format cm 16 x 24
Price € 25.00
EAN 9782858313310
Publisher Website

Translation and Migration: Ethical and Technical issues

This work, the fruit of collaboration among professionals and instructors throughout Europe, explores ethical issues related to migrancy.

A thoroughly thought-out ethics of translation that takes into account the migrant issue in Europe: what would that look like? What values, what points of reference might we use to guide the way social workers in European countries interact with the languages of new arrivals? This work sets out to explore the issues such an ethics might raise. In order to reach past trauma to a kind of living harmony, it is essential to take into account phenomena tied to the linguistic diversity involved in our encounters with migrants themselves and those who specialize in liaising with them, as well as between generations and between migrants and the people of European countries.