Date 21 November 2016
Pages 44
Format cm 20 x 33
Price € 16.50
EAN 9782917045497
Publisher Website


Publisher Kilowatt
COLLECTION Histoire de…
Category Children's Books
Keywords Space conquest - Travel
Age 6-9
To set out in search of the unknown, whether far or near. To learn that everything between here and there is both different yet familiar.

To discover the world, to set out in search of the unknown, whether far or near. To learn that everything between your starting point and your destination is both different yet familiar. Just how long have humans been doing this? What drives us to seek out new horizons, only to return home once more, full of wonder? For since tim immemorial, humans, animals, plants, and above all, ideas, have done a lot of traveling! A story full of surprises to teach us to observe and ask questions of the world around us.

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  • As of: June 2021