Date 28 April 2021
Pages 311
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 20.50
EAN 9782234089402
Publisher Website

The Exceptional Envoy

Publisher Stock
Keywords Humor - Transmission
A trip around the world down paths less trodden, hosted by a guide with a quirky attitude and an irrepressible sense of humor.

Partway between a "professional tourist" and a "part-time reporter," Julien Blanc-Gras has invented the concept of the "exceptional envoy." His task? To observe, interact, and share, never passing judgment or pontificating, and with nothing to prove. Blanc-Gras' wanderings add up to a round-the-world trip, covering over thirty countries on five continents. Sure, sometimes the poverty and violence can seem overwhelming, but above all, his joy over the unfamiliar and unexpected carries the day. Because every new place is a kind of rebirth, and when you're traveling, anything can happen.