Date 30 October 2019
Pages 383
Format cm 26 x 34
Price € 35.00
EAN 9782017067962
Publisher Website

Travel USA

Legendary American Places
Publisher Hachette Tourisme
Category Practical Books
A richly illustrated encyclopedia for discovering the best of what America's nature culture have to offer.

The best of the United States in one book! Travel the United States in the footsteps of people who made American history, from the Mayflower to Silicon Valley. Deserts, canyons, geysers, and the best of the national parks. Hit the road at the wheel of a Ford mustang. New York, San Francisco, Miami, Chicago: all the greatest urban hits. Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, the masterpieces of American art. The ideal playlist of rock, jazz and blues. Where to go to pretend you're a cowboy or a Hollywood star. The craziest experiences in hotels, restaurants, festivals, and amusement parks. More than a book: a journey through mythical America.

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  • As of: June 2021