Date 17 September 2020
Pages 159
Format cm 21 x 24
Price € 22.00
EAN 9782212679793
Publisher Website

Capturing the Soul of a Place with Shape and Color in Watercolors

Paint directly from life without preparatory first sketches
Publisher Eyrolles
Category Art
Keywords Yule log - Elderly - Technology
Explore a new approach to watercolor painting: skip preliminary sketching and paint directly with a brush, on the spot.

Laid out like a workshop, with over fifty exercises of increasing difficulty, this book invites readers to experiment with watercolors by translating space into shapes and colour, masses and values, rather than contours or according to strict rules of perspective. The Marion Rivolier magnificent watercolors are featured throughout. Take a fresh approach to your art.

  • Sales in France 3,000 copies
  • As of: June 2021