Date 07 October 2020
Pages 87
Format cm 10 x 19
Price € 11.80
EAN 9782330140830
Publisher Website

Paris: A Thousand Lives

Publisher Actes Sud
Keywords Death - Play - Story
Guided by a wandering shade, our hero, a writer, wanders Paris by night, recalling scenes, lives, and guardian spirits (Villon, Hugo, Artaud).

One summer evening outside the Gare Montparnasse, an distraught man hails our writer hero. At the bidding of this lost soul, the writer follows him on a mournful hike to the street where his father died. As the two men wander through a strangely empty Paris, visions of the past arise and eras blur, from Boulevard Saint-Michel, where General Leclerc's 2nd Armored Division rolled through to liberate Paris, to Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, where poet François Villon killed a priest in a street fight.

  • Sales in France 45,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Italy
  • Awards Prix Castel du roman de la nuit 2021
  • As of: June 2021