Date 20 August 2020
Pages 386
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 27.00
EAN 9782713228131
Publisher Website

Shared Space

An Ethnography of Public Gatherings in China
Publisher Éditions EHESS
COLLECTION En temps & lieux
An insider's view of social norms in China today.

How do collective actions occur in an uncertain world? Based on two local gatherings, as emblematic as their configurations are specific, and a close transcription of conversations held on site, Isabelle Thireau sketches the contours of social phenomena that can be found in many situations in China. She shows how forms of association are currently produced, through complex pathways, constant negotiation, and configurations established on often implicit norms. Her analyses go far beyond Victory Square and the safeguarding of Tianjin's heritage, inviting readers attempt to apprehend the many ways of living with uncertainty in China, whether political, economic or social.