Date 21 March 2018
Pages 128
Format cm 28 x 21
Price € 17.80
EAN 9782211235938
Publisher Website

John Chatterton

Famous Detective Stories (anthology)
Author Yvan Pommaux
Category Children's Books
Keywords Investigation - Sex - Activism
Age 3-66-9
Three kids’ literary classics in one elegant volume: fairy tales retold as detective stories.

Before he wrote his masterpiece series on mythological heroes, Yvan Pommaux was already an eccentric, derisive, and spot-on author, an idealist who made use of his meticulous indiscipline in the field of children’s books while challenging its very rules. The result? John Chatterton: a detective cat in a yellowish trench coat, a sort of Humphrey Bogart dedicated to protecting the weak and exposing the truth!

  • Sales in France 820,000 copies
  • Awards Prix Livreimages, Prix Culture et Bibliothèques pour tous
  • As of: September 2021