Date 12 February 2020
Pages 300
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 20.90
EAN 9782234086166
Publisher Website

In the Jails of Siberia

Publisher Stock
Keywords Mourning - Immigrant
Midnight Express in Siberia. A gripping contemporary story of escape.

"The scene unfolds not far from Lake Baikal, where I live and love and am lucky enough to be loved, in Irkutsk, the capital of eastern Siberia. It’s morning, men in balaclavas appear out of nowhere. My daughter screams. She’s five years old. I’m arrested right in front of her, then beaten – expertly – and interrogated. Worst of all I’m branded with that ignominious word I struggle to commit to paper: paedophile. These men hidden behind balaclavas and shadows want my skin. They have set in motion an implacable and brutish process of destruction that has a name, a name I know, invented by the KGB: Kompromat."

  • Sales in France 31,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021