Date 07 January 2021
Pages 208
Format cm 14 x 19
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782260054672
Publisher Website

The Last Child

Publisher Julliard
What happens in a mother's heart when the last of her children leaves home? This devastating novel depicts twenty-four hours of the life of a woman, whose whole existence shakes as the inevitable separation approaches.

Anne-Marie has been dreading this day for months: her youngest son is leaving the family nest. She will have to face facts: nothing will ever be as it was before. Throughout this particular day, she revisits the decisive moments in her life, a large part of which has been devoted to motherhood. How can she learn to live alongside her husband of few words, and find new meaning for her life to come? Besson scrutinizes the contradictory emotions, psychological flaws, and secret thoughts of a fragile woman.