Date 11 October 2018
Pages 32
Format cm 17 x 24
Price € 12.90
EAN 9782368561713
Publisher Website

The Dumpoop Family

To the Museum
Publisher Amaterra
SERIES The Dumpoop Family
Category Children's Books
Age 3-6
There is absolutely nothing normal about the Dumpoop family! In fact, they manage to make even the most mundane of activities completely mad!

The town of Dumpsville is proudly hosting an exhibition of some of the finest art by the great masters. The entire Dumpoop family has turned up for the occasion! There is something for everyone. Uncle Dumpoop is absolutely passionate about abstract art. Auntie Snotnose simply adores Bottomcelli's Venus! Auntie Hogwash is particularly drawn to portraiture. A big competition is organized. But unfortunately, the famous Van Dump doesn't have quite the same taste as the Dumpoops... and he is quite happy to tell them so!

  • Sales in France 1,500 copies
  • As of: September 2021