Date 21 June 2018
Pages 36
Format cm 21 x 23
Price € 13.00
EAN 9782352893875
Publisher Website

Blue Hen

Publisher MeMo
COLLECTION Tout-petits memômes
Category Children's Books
Keywords Growing up - Separation - Fable
Age 0-3
This amusing picture book addresses the challenges of growing up and leaving the nest, a subject as relevant to kids as it is to their parents.

Blue Hen laid three eggs. She sat on them until they hatched and three little chicks emerged into the world. Proud of her little babies, Blue Hen introduced them to everyone in the farmyard... but kept them firmly under her wing. One day, the chicks are big enough to explore the meadow. Is Blue Hen ready to let them go? With this fifth book, Claire Garralon talks about growing up and leaving home, a subject as relevant to kids as it is to their parents.