Date 16 August 2018
Pages 256
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 19.00
EAN 9782246861089
Publisher Website

Your Name Was Maria Schneider

Publisher Grasset
Keywords School dropout
From the film set of Last Tango in Paris to an encounter with Antonioni in London, from New York previews to nightclub dancefloors, from the California desert to the corridors of psychiatric hospitals... A beautiful story and a tribute to the great actress Maria Schneider, narrated by her cousin.

At the tender age of 19, Maria Schneider suddenly becomes famous when she stars in the legendary film Last Tango in Paris... little does she suspect that the role will also lead to her downfall. In this tale of sex and violence between a young woman and an older man against the backdrop of Paris in Autumn, Marlon Brando takes Maria by force in front of the cameras in a scene that marks the face of modern cinema. This experience will haunt Maria her for the rest of for life. An intimate and first-hand account of the life of a 20th century actress, narrated by Maria's cousin, Vanessa Schneider, and a panorama of 1970s France: its cinema, freedom, sex and excesses.