Date 03 January 2018
Pages 96
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 12.80
EAN 9782330092368
Publisher Website

Split Down the Middle

Publisher Actes Sud Jeunesse
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Age 12-15YA
Today, Camille has to tell the family judge if she has decided to live with her father or mother.

Today, Camille will have to tell the family judge whether she wants to go and live with her father or her mother. Camille’s parents divorced five years ago. Every Sunday night, she goes through the same heartbreak when she has to pack her stuff and say goodbye. The teenager is aware of the rift created by shared custody. With time, she has even learnt to deal with it. But today, she must make a choice: she is about to meet the family judge and decide on her future. Stay in Paris with her father, his new partner and their baby? Or uproot her whole life and go live in Australia with her mother?