Date 06 March 2003
Pages 192
Format cm 14 x 18
Price € 16.25
EAN 9782848050126
Publisher Website


Author Zahia Rahmani
Publisher Sabine Wespieser
Keywords Father
Moze is Zahia Rahmani's account of her Harki father's suicide. A unique and powerful tale that testifies to all the outcasts of history.

On the morning of November 11, 1991, Moze – who escaped the Harki massacre in Algeria and moved to France in 1967 with his family – made a final salute to the monument of the dead and then drowned himself in the communal pond.
More than a decade later, his daughter tries to understand why he did it.
Moze explores colonialism and its excesses and the people left behind by history.

  • Sales in France 4,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021