Date 07 February 2019
Pages 28
Format cm 18 x 21
Price € 6.50
EAN 9782075115339
Publisher Website

I'm Going To Have a Little Brother or Sister

Publisher Gallimard Jeunesse
SERIES Casually
Category Children's Books
Keywords Downgrading - Shamanism
Age 0-33-6
As if by magic, when you understand what's going on in your life, growing up gets a whole lot easier! In this collection, Dr. Catherine Dolto provides answers to questions about family, living together, the body and health.

Doctor Catherine Dolto's book speaks directly to children, tactfully and wittily addressing the important questions of everyday life.
From learning autonomy to managing emotions, this updated collection explores familiar situations and helps children to grow.

  • Sales in France 300,000 copies of the series Mine de Rien
  • As of: September 2021