Date 07 June 2007
Pages 370
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 15.25
EAN 9782721005656
Publisher Website

Gravidanza: Feminology II

COLLECTION Féminologie
Keywords Women - Psychology - Feminism
Revisits the most striking themes of a politically engaged theoretical work from 1968 widely disseminated in debates, conferences, and publications by the Mouvement de Libération des Femmes (MLF) and the group Psychanalyse et Politique.

"At first, it was hard to hear the voice in question. It was muffled by the furor of campaigns and controversies. But after reading There Are Two Sexes at last, that voice is now all I can hear, more clearly and audibly than the rest. As a voice, it’s insistent yet reserved, full of passion and imaginative creativity, rich with secrets and revelations. I've never heard anything like it, except in Rimbaud...
What I’m trying to say goes much farther than recognizing the importance of a single thread of feminism. It is about sensing the transition, or rather, transformation, of one culture into another, in which this new feminism played a central role." Alain Touraine