Date 22 August 2019
Pages 448
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 22.00
EAN 9782021401561
Publisher Website

Just Men

Author Ivan Jablonka
Publisher Seuil
COLLECTION Les livres du nouveau monde
GENRE Sociology
Keywords Equality
From the formation of patriarchal societies feminist leaders and struggles, a sociological and historical fresco that embraces all eras and continents, even exploring prehistoric societies.

Built up over millennia of stereotypes and institutions, the model of the traditional male is obsolete. Old-fashioned and harmful as any machine designed to dominate women (and men whose masculinity is judged illegitimate), its pernicious influence persists. Gender inequality is still rampant worldwide. What is the next utopian project, then? To invent new types of manhood. To transform masculinity so as to make it compatible with women’s rights and incompatible with patriarchal hierarchies. How can we ensure that respect women’s rights? When it comes to gender equality, what is a “good guy”?

  • Sales in France 25,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021