Date 09 November 2020
Pages 218
Format cm 16 x 22
Price € 14.90
EAN 9782367042770
Publisher Website

You, the (future) Geek Dad

Publisher Leduc
Category Practical Books
Keywords Geek - Parenting - Father
From 9 months of downloading, to becoming a Super-Dad, here is everything you need to know about how to be the perfect geek daddy!

When you were young, you would spend hours doing "stuff" on your computer. Today you have stepped away the dark side of the Force because youn have gone from a computer specialist to GEEK! Imagine this book as your ideal Geek Dad walkthrough. You will learn how to properly manage the integration of the baby module into your family computer, how to successfully update your operating system from young man to Daddy 2.0, and finally, to understand the fundamental updates that operate within the Mother... board... during and after pregnancy.

  • Sales in France 10,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021