Date 22 August 2018
Pages 350
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 19.50
EAN 9782234082434
Publisher Website


Author Boris Razon
Publisher Stock
Who can escape being spied on or watched these days? Surely not people who keep a low profile… A baroque modern novel about listening in.

The Avenue des Gobelins, Paris. A man stands outside an old camera shop, hesitating to go inside. He is spotted by a police officer in a nearby surveillance van, who is in charge of an unofficial wiretapping operation. He receives an endless deluge of texts, messages, photos, and posts that passers-by in his sector send to each other every second of the day. A constant tide that sends his mind into chaos. But who is the man standing in front of the shop? Why is he so disturbing? He isn’t sending any messages.
This book asks whether our hyper-connected lives – which can be listened to and spied on – reveal who we really are or the person we want others to see? What if tapping only revealed our lies?