Date 15 March 2018
Pages 62
Format cm 14 x 20
Price € 10.00
EAN 9782070599554
Publisher Website

What Will Become of Us? Technology and the Man of Tomorrow

Publisher Gallimard Jeunesse
SERIES Philophile!
Category Children's Books
Age YA
Illustrated by popular cartoonist Alfred, the Philophile! Collection introduces high school students to philosophical reflection and its enlightenment in order to help them better understand life, instead of simply submitting to it, and to understand the complexity and challenges of the world around them.

Smartphones, the internet, biotechnologies, robotics, microsurgery: it is no longer merely a question of transforming the world or our living conditions, but human beings themselves. What are the impacts and challenges of new technologies? Will the man of tomorrow be "augmented", endowed with superior abilities and a hybrid brain, or will he be diminished, deprived of what gives meaning to life: fragility and mortality?