Date 28 February 2018
Pages 340
Format cm 16 x 24
Price € 19.00
EAN 9782234084926
Publisher Website

Emancipating Ourselves from Our Genes

Publisher Stock
Keywords Genetics
In which we learn that our environment can modify our DNA!

Let’s dive into the world of epigenetics: a new science that proves our genetic make-up, once believed to be immutable, is in fact flexible. Pollutants, stress, diet, trauma: all of these have a biological influence on how our DNA is expressed. Once transformed, these genes will no longer function in the same way. It's as if they were scarred – and sometimes we can pass these scars on to our children. More astonishing still: these changes are reversible! Epigenetics brings with it the promise of personalized medication and treatment.
Doctor and geneticist Ariane Giacobino is an authority at the University of Geneva hospital and medical school, a member of the Swiss, European, and American human genetics societies, and a member of the Central Committee on Ethics of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. She divides her time between her practice for patients with genetic issues or illnesses, and her research on epigenetics.