Date 11 September 2019
Pages 384
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 20.90
EAN 9782246817352
Publisher Website


The Truth About the Disease of the Century
Author Bruno Dubois
Publisher Grasset
Keywords Alzheimer
Find out more about Alzheimer's to fight it more effectively.

One of the world’s leading neurologists, Bruno Dubois provides here an in-depth description of Alzheimer’s as a starting point for fighting it more effectively. What exactly is this disease that robs us of our memories, our identity, and our dignity? What isn't working the way it should be in the brain? How do we diagnose this condition? Should we be alarmed if we start forgetting names and words? How do we treat it? What is the current state of research? Might a cure be developed one day? And what is the role if the government in all this?