Date 03 October 2019
Pages 160
Format cm 16 x 21
Price € 16.90
EAN 9782207143735
Publisher Website


The right time to take care of yourself
Publisher Denoël
Category Practical Books
Keywords Mind - Body - Woman
A handy and essential guide to a getting the most out of menopause.

The changes to the mind and body that menopause brings on can be more or less unpleasant, but follow these few easy rules, and they won't get you down! A treasure trove of dietary tips, advice on well-being, information on medical treatments and alternative medicines, this book is an indispensable guide to help women move past a milestone with ease. Clear, playful, comprehensive, 100% drama-free, enlivened by Soledad Bravi's humorous illustrations.

  • Rights Sold Espagne (RBA Libros)
  • Awards
  • As of: September 2021