Date 15 April 2022
Pages 28
Format cm 20 x 27
Price € 14.50
EAN 9782917045886
Publisher Website

A Day in the Life of a Beekeeper

Publisher Kilowatt
Category Children's Books
Age 3-66-9
One morning, the beekeeper wakes to find the bees all gone! Will he ever manage to find them?

Every morning, the beekeeper goes through the same routine: do some yoga, check her hives, and harvest her honey. But one morning, a strange silence reigns... The bees have all disappeared! They're in danger! Worried, the beekeeper starts a race against time to find them. Finally, she sees the swarm clinging to a utility pole by a field where a tractor is about to spray pesticides. Fortunately, the bees, saved by the skin of their teeth, will be able to resettle in two beautiful new hives. Now they have all the space they need!