Date 13 September 2018
Pages 382
Format cm 16 x 23
Price € 19.50
EAN 9782263072963
Publisher Website

Less Meat!

Life Changes for Improving Your Health and the World Around Us
Publisher Solar
Category Practical Books
Keywords Meat - Vegetarianism
Dr. Curtay shares new facts about nutrition that lead to more respectful consumption, benefitting both our health and the environment.

As our first choice for animal protein, meat is trusted for its high iron and also vitamin B12 content. It is also rich in bad fats and pro-inflammatory substances, residues, and and toxic contaminants. Despite media coverage of health scandals and the link established by the WHO between cancer and processed meat, our eating behaviours tend towards bad old habits. But statistical studies on the environmental, epidemiological, and toxicological impact of meat can change our perception of this food. Science helps us to understand the relation between diseases and excessive meat consumption and diseases, enabling informed preventive measures founded on transforming our eating behaviors.