Date 10 November 2021
Pages 68
Format cm 25 x 36
Price € 18.90
EAN 9782017089827
Publisher Website

Water: A Precious Resource

Publisher Hachette Enfants
COLLECTION La Terre, un monde à protéger
Category Children's Books
Keywords Water - Earth - Environment
Age 9-12
Safeguarding the planet and its resources has high stakes for generations to come. This series warns and teaches children without alarming them.

This book documents and explains everything you need to know about THE most important resource for life as we know it: water. It covers water’s first appearance and how it’s distributed on our planet, as well as our different uses for it, explaining the water cycle, how water is made drinkable, and what we mean by waste water. By learning about this vital but ultimately finite resource, we also put forth a message of hope. Children will discover the steps needed to consume water responsibly today to avoid conflicts with regards to its usage in the future. They’ll also find solutions that already exist to consume water better… or less of it!