Date 16 September 2020
Pages 36
Format cm 29 x 26
Price € 14.00
EAN 9782017060536
Publisher Website

The Great Expeditions

Publisher Deux coqs d'or
COLLECTION Un petit livre d'or
Category Children's Books
Age 3-6
A heartwarming story celebrating the love between a grandpa and his grandchild as they go on an expÉditions to make some lasting memories.

A little boy and his grandpa are planning an amazing trip. Every day, they walk from city to city in search of the perfect equipment for their adventure. Good thing Grandpa knows where everything is and how to get it. The closest stores might not be that close, but the journey is well worth it. From a shoe store to a haberdashery, their quest takes them ever farther, crossing rivers, valleys and borders... What if spending time together and marvelling at the world side by side proves more important than reaching their destination ?

  • Sales in France 6,900 copies
  • Rights Sold Vietnamese
  • As of: February 2022