Date 19 January 2017
Pages 90
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 12.00
EAN 9782362661594
Publisher Website

The People of the Rain Forest

Author Marion Achard
Publisher Talents Hauts
Category Children's Books
Age 9-1212-15
In the Amazon, two children escape the massacre of their tribe. A true story!

Deep in the Amazon rainforest, a native tribe comes across the bulldozers of a deforestation company. Men from the company kill all the tribe, save for two sisters. They are brought to a village to learn a new language, wear clothes, go to school. The youngest adapts to her new life, but her sister has only one thing in mind: to return to the forest.

  • Sales in France 8,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Germany, Italy
  • As of: June 2022