Date 29 October 2020
Pages 256
Format cm 24 x 31
Price € 34.90
EAN 9782381820040
Publisher Website

Atlas of Legendary Routes

Publisher Lapérouse
Category Art
Travel routes all over the world made famous by trade, migration, or exploration, without ever leaving the comfort of your couch.

Route 66 is an American legend. The Silk Road tells of the history of trade. Seafaring expÉditionss have opened up previously unknown waterways. And then there are the lesser-known routes: over ice, along dizzying cliffs, through stunning landscapes or in history's footsteps, jungles, deserts, and mountains or the visible evidence of centuries. Travel around the world in 80 routes, a thrilling and inspiring journey illustrated by exceptional maps and photos.

  • Sales in France 4,000 copies
  • Rights Sold German
  • As of: March 2022