Date 02 September 2020
Pages 186
Format cm 16 x 24
Price € 22.00
EAN 9782366244977
Publisher Website

To Die, To Leave, To Return

A Game for Swallows
Publisher Cambourakis
Age YAAdults
A child's-eye view of daily life in Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War.

A Game for Swallows is a poignant graphic memoir about Zeina Abirached's childhood in 1980s Lebanon, and the influence of the civil war on daily life in Beirut. On a night of particularly intense fighting, Zeina's parents are trapped at her grandparents' place, surrounded by bombs and snipers and unable to return home. Zeina and her sister are left to their own devices in their apartment--that is, until the neighbords take turns coming to look after them. Abirached conveys the fears, hopes, and upended daily routines of life during wartime with great sensitivity in this tale of a single, fearful night.

  • Sales in France 24,000 copies
  • Awards American Library Association Batchelder Honor
  • As of: April 2022