Date 21 January 2021
Pages 255
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 14.95
EAN 9782412061619

Change the World!

An Activist Guide to Empowerment
Author Sarah Durieux
Publisher First
Category Practical Books
Keywords Change - Activism - Elderly
An essential practical guide to start changing tomorrow… today!

Ever feel frustrated watching the news at home? Ever find yourself thinking there's nothing you can do, or that there's too much to do, or that you're powerless to change anything? Ever want to make things happen in your neighborhood or your city, but don't know how? This book, a blend of inspiration and practical advice about activism, will give you the keys to take action and showing you how you can make a difference on a local and even national scale. Starting a petition, uniting a community, getting institutional support, conducting an activist campaign--there are so many ways to take action right now!