Date 28 October 2021
Pages 397
Format cm 24 x 30
Price € 35.00
EAN 9782262096847
Publisher Website

War in the Ancient World

Publisher Perrin
Forty centuries of armed conflict.

Ramesses II, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, Attila: who hasn't heard tell of the mighty conquerors of antiquity? How did they wage war, and feed their troops? Where did they find iron for their weapons, horses for their chariots, and wood for their ships? In providing an overview of the first millennia with commentary from exceptional historians, this book fills a gap in the history of war.
Divided into four sections (Wars and Battles, Weapons and Tactics, Leaders, and Troops) totaling seventy-five chapters, War in the Ancient World is unprecedented in scope, built around articles, many previously unpublished contributions, and magnificent illustrations.

  • Sales in France 9,000 copies (large format)
  • Rights Sold Italy, China, Spain (in negotiations)
  • As of: April 2022