Date 19 September 2019
Pages 58
Format cm 22 x 28
Price € 15.50
EAN 9782369021100

Kiki Goes For A Walk

Publisher Les Fourmis Rouges
Category Children's Books
Keywords Stroll - Repetition - Humor - Daily life - Dog
The story of a man who takes his dog out for a walk and ends up wth a tiger, a unicorn, an octopus, and even a fox at the end of his leash!

Julien is out walking his dog, but when he's not looking, an eagle carries it off! Now Julien's walking an eagle... which is carried off in turn by a tiger, then a fox, an octopus, and so on and so forth, until Julien gets his dog back.
In this magnificent picture book made completely of cut-outs, extraordinary events invade everyday life through a simple but subtle cumulative effect. Children will be delighted by the suspense: what animal will come next? Will Julien ever figure out what's going on? Our ordinary lives are transfigured in this humorous tale that toys with the conventions of children's books.