Date 21 October 2021
Pages 32
Format cm 20 x 26
Price € 10.90
EAN 9782603028056
Publisher Website

Smarter Than You Think!

Category Children's Books
Age 3-66-9
A nonfiction picture book that is also a game! Learn all about the little-known skills of 27 smart animals.

This book uses riddles to teach readers about the surprising skills of 27 different animals. Most of them can be found in Europe, either in nature or at the zoo.
Insects, octopi, mammals, birds, fish: they've all developed remarkable strategies in order to adapt, survive, feed, move, or communicate. Some use tools while others build intricate shelters. Some conceal themselves while others have a nearly perfect sense of direction.
This book features pictures of each animal in their natural habitat.

  • Rights Sold Italy
  • As of: May 2022