Date 12 January 2022
Pages 149
Format cm 20 x 28
Price € 21.00
EAN 9782754831727
Publisher Website

A Human Journal for the Animal Cause

Publisher Futuropolis
GENRE Non-Fiction
Age All Ages
A striking story of one woman’s realization: Enna, the author's alter ego, must strive to face up to the catastrophic situation animals are in today.

A naturalist’s journal, composed of interviews, reports, and reminiscences from people in various fields (food, luxury goods, health, research) that encourages readers to reflect on our contradictory attitudes toward animals: our unexamined love for them in the face of their human-caused extinction.
A sensitive, funny, and political book by the author of the acclaimed The Blue Age (Prix Artémisia 2020 for a book on the environment).