Date 17 September 2020
Pages 215
Format cm 19 x 31
Price € 25.00
EAN 9782842307738
Publisher Website

An Inventory of Small Garden Creatures

Publisher Hoëbeke
Category Practical Books
This beautifully illustrated book inventories the many small creatures that call our gardens home.

Gardens are wonderful ecosystems and home to many living creatures that are incredibly helpful to nature.
In collaboration with the Humanity and Biodiversity Foundation (FHB), this book lists over 100 garden-dwelling species, in order to better understand and protect them. Among the species listed, some are familiar (bees, wasps, flies, butterflies), and others more mysterious, such as Colorado beetles, golden ground beetles, and bush crickets. Each insect profile provides facts about the kind of food they eat and their place in the food chain.

  • Rights Sold Dutch, Italian
  • As of: May 2022