Date 03 October 2019
Pages 461
Format cm 14 x 19
Price € 24.50
EAN 9782021388497
Publisher Website

Decolonial Ecology

Theory om the Caribbean World
Publisher Seuil
COLLECTION Anthropocène
GENRE Sociology - Ecology
Between ecology and the stakes of past and present racial dominations.

The world is in the midst of a ecological storm that has shaped the history of modernity along a twin faultlines. On the one hand, there is the environmental fracturing driven by a technocratic, capitalist civilization, which has led to ongoing devastation of the Earth’s ecosystems and its communities, human and non-human alike. On the other, there is the colonial rift instilled by Western colonization and imperialism that resulted in race-based slavery, especially the domination of women and indigenous peoples. Malcom Ferdinand challenges these twin faultlines from the perspective of the Caribbean world.

  • Rights Sold English (world), Portuguese (Brazil)
  • As of: June 2022