Date 19 February 2009
Pages 91
Format cm 13 x 18
Price € 4.50
EAN 9782070623242
Publisher Website

Celeste, My World

Publisher Gallimard Jeunesse
Category Children's Books
Age 9-12
A love story becomes a fight for the environment in this reflection on our planet's future, told with all the customary poetry of Timothée de Fombelle.

One morning, there she was, in the elevator. We went up 115 floors in total silence. Then she went into my school, just like I did. During recess, she stayed back in the classroom. Leaning over the railing of the glass balcony, I kept telling myself: "Don't fall, don't fall!" I was of falling for her. At lunch time, she left and I never saw her again. I have to find her.

  • Sales in France 300,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Albanian, English, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish
  • Awards Prix du Festival du livre jeunesse d'Annemasse
  • As of: June 2022