Date 20 September 2018
Pages 28
Format cm 25 x 18
Price € 14.00
EAN 9782369020998

From A Little Green Seed

Publisher Les Fourmis Rouges
Category Children's Books
Mathias Friman explores the world of plants, telling the life story of a little seed that grows into a big tree.

A little seed snapped up by a bird takes off into the air and travels a long way before being wrapped up in a small white envelope and finally planted in the ground. The forest welcomes and surrounds it as it develops from seed to sprout to seedling, growing all the time.
The life a seed as the days and seasons pass, changing its name from plant to shrub to, at last, tree. All around it, nature does its thing: sun and storms, forest creatures, old trees falling and new ones rising. Mathias Friman poetically illustrates nature's eternal cycle. His realistic, black-and-white art is enlivened by the bright green of the seed whose story we are following.