Date 02 March 2022
Pages 208
Format cm 15 x 21
Price € 12.50
EAN 9782344046173
Publisher Website

Banana Soule

Publisher Glénat
Keywords Soule - Competition
Age YA
La soule is the most violent and media-hyped sport. From the remote countryside, Hélèna will do all she can to enroll in a leading Soule academy.

Hélèna lives far off in the countryside. Life is quiet on her family's farm. The last thing she'd be into is a sport that draws millions of faithful viewers for every match. But her dad dreams of a different for her. One day, as she's out for a cliffside walk, a stray leather ball awakens something new in her. What if her future lay in a Soule academy? But that's easier said than done. To earn a spot in that high-testosterone setting, she'll have to elbow her way in. Michaël Sanlaville pens a love letter to shônen manga with this new explosive sports series!

  • Sales in France 10,200 copies
  • Rights Sold Spanish (Spain)
  • As of: November 2022