Date 16 May 2019
Pages 115
Format cm 14 x 19
Price € 12.00
EAN 9782742459032
Publisher Website

A Sporting Chance

Publisher Gallimard Loisirs
Category Art
"On the field, in the stands, at home, we are brought together by losing, winning, and playing, always returning to sports for the same emotional thrill."

Among major events, sports have a unique capacity to bring people together, and yet the sporting world is regularly rocked by various scandals: doping, racism, corruption... But are sport's shortcomings part of sport itself? This is the question asked by activist footballer Vikash Dhorasoo.
Selected by Cartooning for Peace, these sixty international editorial cartoons take us into the sometimes dirty business behind the scenes while reminding readers of the central place that sport occupies in our societies.