Date 06 January 2021
Pages 316
Format cm 15 x 21
Price € 15.00
EAN 9782700275414
Publisher Website

Speak as You Breathe

Publisher Rageot
COLLECTION Grand format ados
Category Children's Books
Age 12-15YA
"We, the lovers of stone, carry in our gut a secret or a sorrow, at any rate a mystery that weighs heavy upon us. That's why we stick to stone: because it offers resistance... And if we stay, it's to find out."

An intimate psychological novel for ages 12 and up by Isabelle Pandazopoulos, a well-known author of children's literature.
From hardships overcome to outright successes, the resilient journey of a teenager who fights to follow her calling—stonecutting and carving—and to bring a family secret to light.
The story of a manual trade and an education, between internships and and high school, precisely and vividly rendered.

  • Sales in France 6,300 copies
  • Awards Prix Jeunes Adultes du Salon Livr'à Vannes
  • Adaptations Audiovisual option
  • As of: August 2023