Date 03 March 2022
Pages 186
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 16.80
EAN 9782715259089
Publisher Website

My Queen

Author Anne Révah
Publisher Mercure de France
A secret teen passion leads to a midlife quest: Antoine will stop at nothing to find the woman he has always loved.

Antoine meets Patricia during a language stay in Brighton. She is eighteen, free and independent. He gazes at her longingly, but he's only fourteen. Their friendship comes to an abrupt end up when Patricia disappears after standing him up.
Now in his early fifties, Antoine still hasn't forgotten Patricia and is sure he missed out on the "perfect love." He tracks her down to Albany, New York, in the United States. She goes by Patty now and doesn’t seem to recognize him, unless... she’s just pretending? A new game of seduction begins as Antoine pursues woman he's never stopped loving, who has remained his "queen".