Date 03 April 2013
Pages 31
Format cm 23 x 30
Price € 10.50
EAN 9782756024264
Publisher Website

Heart of Stone

Publisher Delcourt
Keywords Youth - Heart - Birds
Is your heart a stone or an artichoke? Find out in this original tale with beautiful drawings by Jérémie Almanza.

The day the little girl with an artichoke for a heart meets the boy with a heart of stone, she fell madly in love with him. Every day she offers him a leaf from her heart, and every day he rejects it, growing nastier and nastier. The little girl's heart grows ever smaller, and soon she has lost all will to live. But clearly, the boy with a heart of stone does not seem at all ready to let himself love her back…

  • Sales in France 15,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Catalan (Spain), Spanish (Spain), German
  • As of: February 2023