Date 24 January 2023
Pages 117
Format cm 12 x 18
Price € 14.90
EAN 9782845944749
Publisher Website

People Who Love

Publisher Mama Éditions
Caroline Schwartz, Publicity Director
"This exceptionally intense tale of love in all its purity is a gift that has touched the hearts of countless readers."

How far would you go for friendship?
"We've thought it over. We don't want you to miss this chance. We'll give you a child. […]
I stare, stunned. Count the crumbs on the tabletop. Where are the birds? Some extraordinary power in my body rises up against the offer. I am become the cape of tempests. I betray nothing, but everything's stormy inside. I look up. First at one of them, and then the other. I feel like both the crumb and the pecking bird. I cast about for a mooring somewhere in their look, their smile. When Margot and Luc smile, it's like one big smile. They're two and one all at once."
In this moving tale, Carole Berrebi finds words for a love that unites friends and intensifies friendship, motherhood, family. Her poetic style inspires us to keep hoping and trust in life.
[je ne saurai l'abreger sans couper l'extrait du roman.]