Date 21 November 2019
Pages 69
Format cm 12 x 18
Price € 8.00
EAN 9782271125392
Publisher Website

Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions

Author Alain Aspect
Publisher CNRS Éditions
COLLECTION Les grandes voix de la recherche
A brief introduction to the work of the 2022 Nobel Physics laureate and issues of quantum physics in our understanding of the world.

Alain Aspect retraces his career and research, with special emphasis on the work that led to his Nobel Prize in Physics. He also lays out a brief history of quantum physics from Einstein to the present, highlighting the importance of its past and future applications. This book tells a magnificent story of science in which experimentation has led to the solution of philosophical debates.

  • Sales in France 2,900 copies
  • Rights Sold Italian, English (world)
  • Awards Nobel Prize for Physics 2022
  • As of: March 2023